should I grow a beard Braw Scotland

Should I grow a beard? Here's how to get started.

"Should I grow a beard?" It's maybe something you've considered and often asked yourself in the mirror. At events, there would often be people saying they'd love to be able to grow a beard like ours as the walk past. I'd reply, "have you tried?" I wasn't being cheeky, I was being genuine. After chatting, we'd understand each other. Often the person will have "just not shaved for a week" then gave up because it looked weak. Growing a beard takes time and patience. They don't grow overnight.... ok they do, but very slowly. On average, the hair grows at 1.25cm per month. After a week, it isn't going to look impressive. Some guys want a beard but worry about how they'd look in the process of getting to their goal. I get it, I was there myself at one point. should I grow a beard

Should I grow a beard

If you are even asking yourself this question, the answer is YES. The fact that you are considering it means that you would like to at least try. Give it a go, if you think you don't suit it, shave afterwards and be happy that you answered your question. I understand that not everyone can grow a full beard due to genetics and other reasons BUT every man can try.

Getting started

Set yourself the goal of keeping a photo log. Not a photo of a log.... Take a selfie on day 1 of your beard journey. Then take one at the end of month 1, the end of month 2 and on the end of month 3. Then compare these to see how far you've grown. Think you'll forget to do this? Set a reminder in your phones calendar, this will prompt you to take a selfie. When you start growing for the first time, you are going to experience the dreaded beard itch. It usually occurs as the hair is coming through the skin and also as dry skin may start to appear. Dry skin can block pores and cause irritation. When you are starting to grow a beard, use a beard oil to keep the skin moisturised and brush daily with the Braw Beard Brush. Brushing will exfoliate the skin too which will clear dry skin away from your pores, giving the hair the best opportunity to grow. Braw Beard Oils Scotland

As your beard grows after a few months

By now you should be getting a bit of length to your facial hair. The Braw Beard oil and brush will be serving well but if you are now noticing stray wispy hairs and looking a bit straggly, consider adding Braw Beard Butter to your routine. The butter has a wax element which holds stray hairs in place and gives the beard a bit of shape while still feeling soft. When your beard hits the 4+ inch length, adding the Braw Beard Comb to your kit will help out. The comb is designed to detangle your facial hair, preventing snags and damage. The next time you ask yourself, "should I grow a beard?", remember it's an easy process but it does take time, perseverance and a good beard care routine definitely helps. Beard care is not essential but it is highly beneficial, it will make the process so much more enjoyable. I hope this article has helped. Thank you for reading. JJ Join the #Brawtherhood P.S. Use code – brawblog – at for 10% off Follow Braw Beard: Instagram – Facebook – Twitter – Subscribe to the Braw Beard Youtube channel for more videos. Scottish beard care. Born in Scotland, enjoyed Worldwide.
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