Braw Beard Oils Scotland

Using Argan Oil For Beard Growth - Why Use It?

Why would you need argan oil for beard growth? You have probably heard of argan oil before, it comes from a small nut within the argan fruit, native to Morocco. Argan oil is used in many high-end beauty products. It is known as liquid gold. This beneficial oil is rich with vitamin E, as well as being loaded with antioxidants, linoleic acid and omega fatty acids. After experimenting with it in our beard oils in late 2013 and seeing the benefits, we decided to add it to our new beard oils from 2014 onwards. We left Grafter, Lover and Wulver without argan because although alergies to the argan nut are rare, we wanted to have options available for those who may have a severe nut allergy. Braw Beard Oils

So, why argan oil for beard growth?

It moisturises the skin below the beard, eliminating dandruff and dry skin with its high antioxidant and vitamin E content. This can provide the hair with nutritious foundations to grow. Argan oil is great for hydrating the hair and has a nice weight to help tame frizzy hair when used with a brush. The antioxidants in argan oil may help boost cells and encourage them to produce healthy hair. This oil has be used to treat dry skin conditions for years. Dry skin under the beard can cause inflammation and irritation, making you want to shave it off. When we started using argan oil for beard care, we noticed a more attractive beard over time. From then on, we made the decision to keep it as a main ingredient. I hope this has helped and you enjoy the Braw Beard oils containing argan oil. Thanks for reading. JJ Join the #Brawtherwood P.S. Use code – brawblog – at for 10% off Follow Braw Beard: Instagram – Facebook – Twitter – Subscribe to the Braw Beard Youtube channel for more videos. Scottish beard care. Born in Scotland, enjoyed Worldwide.
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