My Simplified Beard Care Routine For An Epic Sleep

My Simplified Beard Care Routine For An Epic Sleep

READ TIME: 1.30 MINUTES. Hey, it's JJ here, sharing my journey and insights into a question that often plagues our minds at night – "What to put on my beard at night?" If you've stumbled across mixed information and are looking for a bedtime routine that keeps your beard comfortable and healthy while you sleep, you're in the right place.

My Nighttime Beard Care Routine for Comfortable Sleep:

Navigating through days filled with activities – be it working, outdoor adventures, gym sessions, or just playing with the kids – your beard collects its fair share of dirt and grime. To combat this, the first step in my nightly routine is a good wash. For this, naturally, I use Braw Beard Wash because it cleanses, conditions, and shampoos, ensuring my beard gets the thorough clean it needs.

Then, after showering, I gently towel dry my beard. It's crucial to be gentle to avoid damaging the follicles. I skip the hairdryer to keep things simple and natural.

What to put on my beard at night?

Next up, beard oil, but only a small amount. The key here is to prevent any oil from transferring onto your sheets. My go-to choices for nighttime are Lover and Heather from my collection, mainly due to their calming fragrances of lavender and ylang ylang, respectively, which aid in sleep.

A small dab, about the size of a 5p for UK friends or a dime for those in the US, is all you need. Rub it between your hands and gently work it through your beard, ensuring to reach the roots for optimal moisture.

For those with long beards like mine, keeping it tidy while you sleep is crucial to prevent tangles or catching hair, say, under your arm. I've found that tying my beard with bands – usually five due to its length – works best for me. It keeps every hair in place, ensuring a tangle-free morning and a comfortable night's sleep.

This routine has transformed my nights because this allows me to rest easy without worrying about beard damage or discomfort. It's simple, effective, and ensures my beard stays healthy, clean, and ready for whatever the next day brings.

In conclusion, I hope sharing my routine helps you find the comfort and ease you've been looking for in your nighttime beard care. If you found this useful, don't hesitate to share with fellow bearded friends struggling with their night routines.

Stay safe, look after yourself, and here's to a better night's sleep with a healthier beard! 

Grow and enjoy.

Thank you for reading; I hope it has been helpful.

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Scottish beard care.
Born in Scotland, enjoyed Worldwide.

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